【Symptom-Specific Treatments】Understanding the Basics of Herbal Therapy


The Basics of Herbal Therapy

Beginner’s Guide to Herbs: How to Incorporate Them into Daily Life

Herbal therapy is an ancient treatment method that promotes health by harnessing the power of nature. For those new to using herbs, it is essential to know how to incorporate them into daily life.

  • Herbal Tea: The simplest way is to drink herbal tea. Chamomile and peppermint teas have relaxing effects. Rosehip and hibiscus teas are rich in vitamin C and boost immunity.
  • Use in Cooking:Rosemary,basil, andoregano add flavor and health benefits to dishes. Parsley and thyme are also nutritious and add color and health benefits to your meals.
  • Essential Oils: Using a diffuser to spread essential oils in a room can have a relaxing effect. Popular options include lavender, eucalyptus, and lemongrass. Adding a few drops to a bath is also recommended.

Herbs Effective for Colds and Influenza

During cold and flu season, the following herbs are effective:

  • Echinacea: Boosts the immune system and alleviates cold symptoms. Drinking echinacea tea helps soothe sore throats and nasal congestion.
  • Elderberry: Has antiviral properties and eases cold and flu symptoms. It can be taken as syrup or tea.
  • Ginger: Soothes sore throats and coughs and warms the body. Adding honey and lemon to ginger tea enhances its effects.

Herbs Effective for Stress Relief

When feeling stressed, the following herbs are helpful:

  • Lavender: Has relaxing effects and reduces anxiety. Enjoying the scent of lavender tea or essential oil can be beneficial.
  • Valerian: Has sedative properties and helps improve insomnia. Valerian root supplements or tea are commonly used.
  • Lemon Balm: Calms the mind and reduces stress. Lemon balm tea has a gentle flavor and a relaxing effect.

Herbs to Boost Immunity

To boost immunity, the following herbs are recommended:

  • Ashwagandha: Strengthens the immune system and enhances stress resistance. Available in supplement or powder form.
  • Turmeric: Has anti-inflammatory properties and supports the immune system. Can be consumed in curry or golden milk.
  • Garlic: Has antibacterial and antiviral properties and boosts immunity. Incorporate garlic into your cooking for benefits.

Herbs to Support Digestive Health

To maintain digestive health, the following herbs are effective:

  • Peppermint: Relieves indigestion and gas. Drinking peppermint tea after meals is effective.
  • Fennel: Aids gastrointestinal function and promotes digestion. Fennel tea or chewing fennel seeds is beneficial.
  • Ginger: Reduces nausea and improves digestion. Ginger tea or adding ginger to dishes is common.


Herbal therapy is a method of maintaining health by utilizing the power of nature.

Incorporating herbs into daily life can help with colds and influenza, stress, immunity, and digestive health.

Even beginners can easily try out simple methods.

