Effective Utilization of Aromatherapy


Effective Utilization of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy Introduction: Basic Usage and Effects

Aromatherapy is a method of promoting physical and mental health using essential oils extracted from natural plants.

Let’s take a look at the basic usage and effects.


  • Diffuser: Used to spread fragrance throughout the room. Simply add water and a few drops of essential oil to the diffuser, and turn it on to spread a pleasant aroma throughout the room.
  • Aroma Massage: Used for massage by mixing essential oils with carrier oils (vegetable oils). By directly applying it to the skin, you can absorb not only the aroma but also the efficacy of the essential oil through the skin.
  • Bath Additive: By adding it to the bath, you can expect relaxation effects and effects on the respiratory system. When using it as a bath additive, it is recommended to mix it with carrier oil before adding it.


  • Relaxation Effect: Essential oils such as lavender and chamomile have relaxation effects. They are expected to reduce stress and anxiety and relax the mind and body.
  • Improvement of Concentration: Aromas such as rosemary and peppermint enhance concentration. Using them during study or work can improve concentration and attention.
  • Cold Prevention: Essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree have antibacterial properties, reducing viruses and bacteria in the air. They are particularly effective during seasons when colds and flu are prevalent.


  • Choosing Essential Oils: There are many types of essential oils used in aromatherapy, but it is important to choose high-quality, naturally derived essential oils. Additionally, it is recommended to consult a physician if you are pregnant or have certain medical conditions.
  • Dilution: Essential oils are highly concentrated, so it is important to dilute them with carrier oils when applying them directly to the skin. Without dilution, there is a risk of skin irritation or sensitivity.
  • Dosage: Care should be taken with the dosage of essential oils. Excessive use may cause excessive stimulation of the fragrance or discomfort. Typically, a few drops are recommended for a diffuser, and 1-2 drops in 10ml of carrier oil for aroma massage.
  • Choosing Fragrances: The choice of essential oil fragrance for aromatherapy varies depending on individual preferences and purposes. For relaxation effects, lavender or bergamot may be chosen, while rose or sandalwood may be chosen for stress relief.

Aroma Oil for Relaxation

Using aroma oils for relaxation can relieve stress and tension, refreshing the mind and body.

Representative Relaxation Aroma Oils

  • Lavender: Known for its gentle fragrance, it improves relaxation and sleep quality.
  • Chamomile: It has a calming effect and helps reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Neroli: With a citrusy floral fragrance, it relaxes tension and brings a pleasant sense of relaxation.

Aroma Oils to Enhance Concentration

Using aroma oils to enhance concentration can improve focus and attention during learning or work.

Representative Aroma Oils to Enhance Concentration

  • Rosemary: With a refreshing mint-like fragrance, it stimulates memory and attention, enhancing concentration.
  • Peppermint: With a refreshing cool scent, it cools the head and leads to a refreshing feeling.
  • Lemon: With a bright and refreshing fragrance, it refreshes the mood and improves concentration.

Preventing Colds with Aroma Oils

Using aroma oils effective for cold prevention can help protect you from viruses and bacteria.

Representative Aroma Oils Effective for Cold Prevention

  • Eucalyptus: With a refreshing scent, it clears the respiratory tract and reduces viruses and bacteria in the air.
  • Tea Tree: It has strong antibacterial properties, reduces pathogens in the air, and helps prevent and relieve cold symptoms.
  • Cinnamon: With a spicy and warm scent, it boosts the immune system and is effective in preventing colds and flu.


By effectively utilizing these aroma oils, you can achieve various health benefits such as reducing stress and fatigue in daily life, improving concentration, and preventing colds.

Adhere to proper usage and precautions, utilize aromatherapy, and balance your mind and body.

