Sperm-producing ‘commander’ gene discovered, advancing understanding of male infertility!?【Japan】


According to the Article

  • A gene that acts as a “commander” during the production of sperm has been discovered.
  • This gene, called “HSF5,” was found to cause the testes to shrink and no sperm production when it was disrupted in mice using genome editing technology.
  • HSF5 plays a role in regulating approximately 200 genes, including those responsible for producing parts of the sperm such as the head and flagella, activating the “sperm formation program.”
  • There is potential for resolving infertility caused by the inability to produce sperm.
What is HSF5? Click Here for Details!

“HSF5” is a protein that is specifically expressed in the testes and classified as a Heat Shock Factor (HSF).
While other similar factors such as HSF1, HSF2, HSF3, and HSF4 are known to respond to heat stress, the function of HSF5 was previously unknown.

Disrupting the function of the HSF5 gene in mice using genome editing revealed that male germ cells initially undergo meiosis but then die midway through, resulting in complete lack of sperm production and infertility.

This finding demonstrates that HSF5 exhibits activity to directly bind to DNA during mid-meiosis, as well as binding to the promoter regions of many genes responsible for sperm formation, directing the completion of the meiotic program and serving as a command for sperm formation.

Furthermore, while classified as a Heat Shock Factor, it is intriguing that HSF5 controls the development of germ cells rather than responding to heat stress.

Reactions to the Article

So there’s a commander in the world of sperm…

This could be another bright aspect, couldn’t it? If it helps couples struggling with male infertility!

Could this lead to the elimination of azoospermia?

It’s intriguing that despite being classified as a Heat Shock Factor, HSF5 controls the development of germ cells rather than responding to heat stress.

I hope it leads to infertility treatment.

